25th January 2025, Old Swan Hotel, Harrogate
Dear friends,
It is my great pleasure to invite you to attend my first
Annual General Meeting as Chair of YHACS, to be held at the Old Swan Hotel in Harrogate on Saturday 25th January 2025. Where did 2024 go?
The agm will start at 1pm and will be followed by our annual awards and regular quarterly meeting, ending no later than 4pm. As last year, we will be accommodated in the Library (turn right from the lobby and down to the end of the corridor).
Our officers and committee members have done an excellent job over the past year and I am pleased that they have all agreed to stand for re-election. The position of Chair is a
three-year term. We still have three vacancies on the committee and any member of YHACS or a YHACS member society may put themselves forward for nomination. I have attached the relevant form and would urge you to consider joining us. Drop me an email if you’d like to know more. The more capacity we have, the more we can do to help our member societies.
Friday Night
Some of the committee will be staying over in Harrogate on Friday 24th January and would be delighted if you could join us for dinner at the hotel on Friday evening, at your own
expense. You don’t have to be staying at the hotel to take part. We aim to meet in the bar at 7pm and eat at 7.30pm. Remember to pay for your parking at the hotel reception on arrival.
If you would like to stay overnight at the Old Swan on Friday 24th we have arranged a special dinner, bed and breakfast rate with the hotel for a limited number of rooms. The prices are:
Classic single bedded rooms @ £115.00 per room, dinner bed & breakfast.
Classic double occupancy bedrooms @ £155.00 per room, dinner bed & breakfast.
To access this rate you need to call the hotel reservations team on 01423 500055 option 1, state it’s for the Old Swan Hotel and quote ‘YHACS Meeting’. It is not possible to get this rate online, so you do need to ring.
Saturday Morning
On Saturday morning at 10.30am, Harrogate Civic Society has arranged for a talk by one of its members, Terry Williams, on the New Park area of Harrogate. New Park was a working-class
area and as industrial as Harrogate ever got, so is an aspect of Harrogate’s history often
overshadowed by the stories of the wealthy visitors who came to take the waters. Terry has also established a New Park heritage centre at the school where he used to teach.
If you wish to purchase lunch (bar meals) at the hotel, please arrive in good time – before 12 noon if possible. Please bear in mind the annual general meeting will start promptly at 1pm
Parking and Travel
Please be aware that the hotel car park costs £10 per day (or part day). This applies to
attendees on Saturday and also anyone joining us for dinner on Friday evening. Please obtain a voucher from the hotel on arrival and display it on your windscreen.
There are other car parks nearby and the railway station is about half a mile away.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Margaret Hicks-Clarke, YHACS Chair