2021 AGM; changes on the committee

If you ‘attended’ the online AGM in January, or have read the minutes of the meeting that were circulated, you’ll already be aware of the changes to the line up of the committee that took effect as a result of the meeting.

First of all, Phyllis Barnes of Barnsley Civic Trust retired from the YHACS committee; she’s a busy woman and the pressure of other commitments meant she couldn’t always attend
committee meetings or take part in our discussions.

Meanwhile, three new people joined the committee: Alan Nicholson from Grimsby and Cleethorpes Civic Society, Carolyn Curr from Whitby Civic Society and Judith Blackburn, one of our independent members. One other change is that Margaret Hicks Clarke of Goole Civic Society has stepped into the position of YHACS Vice Chair as David Moss (Selby Civic Society) decided to step down from the post, although he remains on the committee and will continue to edit the newsletter for us. My thanks to everyone on the committee, past and present, for their continued support and a big welcome to our new committee members.

Kevin Trickett was confirmed as Chair; re-elected (unopposed!) for another three-year term, through to January 2024. Under the terms of our Constitution, this will have to be Kevin’s final stint as chair. While he can stay on the committee when his current period of office comes to an end, he cannot continue as chair after that date. YHACS will, therefore, need to find someone to take over and this is the gauntlet thrown down – three years to see who will pick it up